Label Bodoh

"DO NOT put any person in this washer" --- Jangan leakkan manusia di dalam mesin cuci ini!!!

"6PCS Precision screwdriver set not to be inserted into PENIS" --- Obeng presisi! Tidak untuk dimasukkan ke dalam si Otong!

"Ipod bukan buat dimakan" --- "Do not eat Ipod shuffle" (found on apple's website)

"Kami minta maaf kalo presiden kami idiot, tapi kami nggak milih dia kok!" --- "We are sorry that our president is an idiot, we did not voted for him" (on an american clothing label, in french)

"Ngomong jangan kasar di HP ini, dijamin orang yang ngedenger pasti BT" --- "Be careful of bad language on this mobile phone, because a partner's feeling is going to be bad" (on a cellpone)

"Bahaya! bergerak ketika digunakan" --- "This product moves when used" (on a Razor scooter)

"Kalo ngak bisa baca peringatan ini, jangan pake produknya" --- "If you cannot read (...) warnings, do not use this product"

"Hati-hati mengendarai mobil" (di botol obat anjing) --- "Use care when operating a car (...)" (on a bottle of dog's pills)

"Jangan pernah gunakan api atau korek untuk melihat jumlah bensin" --- "Never use a lit match or open flame to check fuel level" (found on a jetsky user manual)

"Jangan pegang ujung gergaji mesin yang salah" ---- "Do not hold the wrong end of a chainsaw"

"Awas, bisa jatuh jika anda atau anak anda bersandar di pintu oven" --- "All ranges can tip if you or child stand sit or lean on open door" (on an oven)

"Awas: jangan baca buku ini ketika mengendarai kendaraan bergerak" --- "Caution: Please do not use this directory while operating a moving vehicle" (On a Bellsouth Yellow Pages for Augusta)

"Jangan disterika" --- "Do not iron" (on a lottery ticket)

"Awas, mesin bisa jatuh dan dapat menyebabkan luka serius" --- "Machine can fall over and cause serious injury or death" (on a vending machine)

"Jangan digunakan buat sikat gigi atau badan!" --- Do not use for personal hygiene" (on Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush)

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